Within your course repository, create a directory "final". Commit and push to your remote repository.

cd <path_to_repo>
mkdir final
touch final/app.py
touch final/screencast_url.txt
git add final
git commit -m "initial commit for final"
git push

Capture-the-Flag challenges and challenge-based labs are how many security practitioners develop their knowledge and skills. For your final project, you will tackle challenge levels of your choice on TryHackMe. There are dozens of free challenges to choose from. For the most popular ones, visit this link. The goal of the project is for you to solve challenges and relate their solutions to specific content and concepts you have learned throughout the quarter.


After completing your project, you will create a narrated screencast that walks through what you have produced. Properly edit the screencast so that the walk-through is under 20 minutes. Upload your completed screencast on MediaSpace. Ensure that it is published as "Unlisted". To do so, visit MediaSpace and click on "My Media". Click on the screencast video that has been uploaded. Then, in the tabs below, select the "Publish" tab, click on "Unlisted", and then "Save".

Then, update the file final/screencast_url.txt in your repository to contain the URL that your unlisted screencast on MediaSpace is located. Push the changes to your repository before the due date.


We will be using your screencast and git repository to evaluate your project. In your walkthrough, you should address the following in sequential order:

Difficulty and number of challenges solved

Level of technical detail given

Clarity and conciseness

Relating individual challenges to course concepts and material

Instructions followed properly