There is a Slack workspace for Computer Science students here at PSU. If you haven't already, create a Slack account, join the workspace at and add the course channel linked on the course web page. All course communication will be done through this platform; check the pinned section for important updates. Note that the course has a corresponding webpage for more permanent information.


mkdir notebooks
touch notebooks/Labs1.pdf
git add notebooks
git commit -m "initial commit"
git push

git basics

Read the first 6 steps of the following link. Note that for this class, you will be substituting Gitlab for GitHub. You will need to become proficient with the following git commands for this course or use an IDE such as VSCode that can perform the operations for you.

Incognito mode

To avoid applying the coupon you receive to the incorrect account, ensure that these steps are done in an "Incognito" or "Private Browsing" browser window to set up your account.

Then, visit and login using your account to enable GCP. If you haven't used GCP yet and do not mind temporarily putting your credit card on the account, apply for the $300 coupon and use it to create a new billing account. Otherwise, wait for the instructor to email you a course coupon.

Create Project

Click on the organization from the console.

Then, click on "New Project"

Create a Google Cloud project with your ProjectName from above. You should be taken to your project's Home page. For your lab notebook, you will need to ensure that all of your screenshots for your Google Cloud labs include your ProjectName.

To examine your Billing account and its usage, go to the Billing page from the console at

Set up a VM running the course Kali Linux VM. Log into your Google Cloud Platform account and go to your project's console.

Option #1: Cloud Shell

Click on the Cloud Shell icon from the web console shown below:

Create two firewall rules to allow HTTP and HTTPS traffic.

gcloud compute firewall-rules create default-allow-http \
  --allow=tcp:80 --target-tags=http-server

gcloud compute firewall-rules create default-allow-https \
  --allow=tcp:443 --target-tags=https-server

Then, run the command below to find the most recent version of the Kali VM image on the course's GCP project.

gcloud compute images list \
  --project cs491-introsec-346418 --no-standard-images

Launch the latest Kali VM image using the gcloud command below, attaching the two rules to allow web traffic to it.

gcloud compute instances create kali-vm \
  --machine-type e2-medium --zone us-west1-b \
  --image-project cs491-introsec-346418 \
  --image kali-rolling-latest

gcloud compute instances add-tags kali-vm --tags=http-server,https-server

Finally, perform the command below to ssh into the VM instance after it comes up to ensure you can access it.

gcloud compute ssh kali-vm

Option #2: Web UI

Keep track of both the external and internal IP address of each instance. We will be using the internal IP address for the attacks, but will need to connect via the external IP addresses initially.

Finally, ssh into your Kali VM instance to ensure you can access it.

TryHackMe is a widely-used security training site that focuses on developing practical, hands-on skills for its users. The site is organized in "rooms" that contain lab content for users to complete to obtain badges. We will be using several of the site's free rooms as part of the course.

Visit the site at and create an account. If you find the exercises useful, consider a subscription to the site to continue your development after the course.

Throughout the course, we will be using the free rooms of TryHackMe to get you started on various security topics. Some of the TryHackMe rooms will launch machines on TryHackMe for you to work with. In order to access these machines easily, TryHackMe provides VPN support. Both Portland State and TryHackMe have support for the freely available OpenVPN client. The OpenVPN client is installed on all MCECS lab machines.

Visit your first TryHackMe room at and complete it using the machine you intend to work from for the course.

Join the following room on TryHackMe: . The room covers the fundamental security principles. Complete the first 3 tasks for this room.

Save your notebook as a PDF as notebooks/Labs1.pdf, then add, commit, and push your lab notebook to your repository.

git add notebooks/Labs1.pdf
git commit -m "first lab"
git push