Within your course repository, create a directory "hw3". Commit and push to your remote repository.

cd <path_to_repo>
mkdir hw3
touch hw3/screencast_url.txt
git add hw3
git commit -m "initial commit for hw3"
git push

In this homework, you will analyze the security of the LangChain RAG application and LangChain agent that you have written in the previous two assignments.

As the RAG application has been loaded with documents from many sources, test your application to see how it may be vulnerable to:

As the agent has been given access to the Terminal tool, test your application to see how it may be vulnerable to:

Based on the vulnerabilities either given in class, show how the execution of your applications can be compromised in ways you initially did not intend or expect.


Upon completing your analysis, via a narrated screencast of no longer than 5 minutes, go through your findings and demonstrate the problematic executions of your applications. Ensure that it is published as "Unlisted". Then, update the file screencast_url.txt in the homework's directory to contain the URL that your unlisted screencast on MediaSpace is located. Push the changes that include the updated URL to your repository before class.


We will be using your screencast to evaluate your homework.

Demonstration of attacks on agent

Number of attack vectors tested

Coverage of range of adversarial attack types