In this lab, we will identify the default network services that are exposed using a variety of Linux tools. Begin by ssh'ing into your Ubuntu course VM.

ss, netstat

ss and netstat are equivalent Linux utilities that can allow a system administrator to perform an inventory of network resources being used on a machine.

Using ChatGPT, find a single command and its command-line flags that, when executed, lists all TCP sockets in a LISTEN state on an IPv4 address, showing the program that is using it. Note that you will need to run this command using sudo since administrator privileges are required to list resources being used by other programs.

Examine the "Local Address" field of the output. Servers such as ssh and nginx typically listen on "" to accept connections from any interface on the machine (INADDR_ANY when specifying socket). Servers intended for local access listen only on the loopback interface "localhost..." or "" (INADDR_LOOPBACK) (described via man 7 ip). Following the address, the port number that each socket is listening on is specified. The port is given either as a name for well-known services as listed in /etc/services (e.g. http for port 80) or as a number.

Login to


Go back to your Ubuntu VM. The lsof utility lists all file descriptors that are open on the machine across all of its processes. As network connections are accessed via file descriptors, they may also be listed using lsof. On your Ubuntu VM, run the command and view its output.

sudo lsof

One can count the number of open descriptors by piping the output to the word count utility.

sudo lsof | wc -l

lsof can be used in a similar manner as ss and netstat were used previously.

Using ChatGPT, find a single lsof command and its command-line flags that, when executed, lists all TCP sockets in a LISTEN state on an IPv4 address, showing the program that is using it. Note that you can leverage the conversation in the previous step and simply ask ChatGPT to repeat the task using lsof.

In this lab, we'll look at TCP throughput to different parts of the world. From the web console on Google Cloud Platform, go to Compute Engine=>"VM instances".

Create 4 VMs: one in us-west1-b, one in the US East, one in Australia, and one in Europe. For each machine's configuration, use the following:

While you may do this via the web console, another alternative is to launch them within Cloud Shell via a shell loop.

for i in us-west1-b australia-southeast1-b us-east1-b europe-west1-d
gcloud compute instances create vm-$i \
 --image-family=ubuntu-2204-lts \
 --image-project=ubuntu-os-cloud \
 --zone=$i --machine-type=e2-medium \
 --tags http-server


After the VMs come up, note the internal IP addresses of each instance


ssh into each VM and install iperf:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install iperf -y

For the VMs in the US East, Australia, and Europe, start the iperf server on the HTTP port (80) by performing the following command and leaving it running and the window open:

sudo iperf -s -p 80

On your us-west1-b VM, run iperf against each of the VMs created above by pointing the tool to the VM's internal IP address.

iperf -c <IP address> -p 80

Exit out of each iperf server via Ctrl+c. Then exit out of all of the Compute Engine VMs and delete them either via the web console or via Cloud Shell using a loop.

for i in us-west1-b australia-southeast1-b us-east1-b europe-west1-d
gcloud compute instances delete vm-$i --zone=$i

On any Desktop machine, laptop, or your Ubuntu VM, install Chrome.

Bring up an Incognito window (Ctrl+Shift+N). Then, in the address bar, visit chrome://flags/#enable-quic. If the option exists, find and enable QUIC (HTTP 3).

Open a new tab and then open up Chrome's Developer Tools by right clicking and selecting "Inspect" (Ctrl+Shift+I).

In the address bar, visit the URL (Note: Use the URL exactly as shown with http:// not https:// and not You should see a listing of all of the requests that the browser makes to obtain this page with the first one all the way at the top of the screen. The initial requests are redirections that lead the browser to Click on the "Network" tab and scroll up to find these requests.

For each request, click on the request and examine the HTTP status code returned as well as the HTTP request and response headers for the request. Answer the following questions:

Find the Location: response header for the redirections.

Examine the HTTP request and response headers for cookies throughout the requests.

Asynchronous HTTP requests

While still on the home page for and with the Developer Tools still open, click on Fetch/XHR.

Asynchronous HTTP requests initiated by JavaScript code running on a page will show up under the Fetch/XHR subsection of the Network tab. This is one way to allow interactivity between the client and server without requiring a page reload. To see this in action, type "Portland State" in the search box of the web page.